Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nazi Use of Darwinism Essay -- History, Politics, The Treaty of Versa

After the Great War in the nineteenth century, European nations had a difficult time finding economic stability. Germany took full responsibility for starting World War I and by signing the Treaty of Versailles, Germany agreed to give up huge portions of territory and pay reparation to victorious allies. The harsh principles which were outlined by the Treaty of Versailles made economic stability in Germany difficult to achieve and caused Germany to suffer from inflation and the Great Depression. Unemployment and the fear of communism allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power in 1933. Before Hitler came to power, he spent nine months in jail where he wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf (My Struggle), where he mentions how Darwin’s theory of evolution was the only basis for a successful Germany. He sets forth a number of evolutionary ideas such as; struggle, survival of the fittest, and extermination of the weak to create a better society (Bergman.) Unable to accept Germanys defeat i n the Great War, Adolf Hitler convinced the German people they had been defeated from within-or stabbed in the back by Communist, Socialists, liberals, and the Jews. These â€Å"races† became scapegoats in Germany, and that is how they were constructed as the â€Å"inferior race.† These groups of people, especially the Jews, were not even considered human. With the belief of an inferior race, came the belief of a superior race, which were the self-proclaimed Germans. Concentration camps were created in Germany to separate the inferior race, or the non-Germans from the Germans. It was believed that the inferior race was contaminating the German gene pool. Social Darwinism is a term used to describe ideologies which compare Darwin’s ideas of evolution to social scienc... ...lf was an atheist, although Bergman cannot speak for a group of people who believed what Hitler said to be true. If Hitler was an atheist it further validates the point I am trying to make, Hitler indeed used Darwin’s ideas to justify his actions along with creationist ideas. Bergman unable to acknowledge the fact Hitler used manipulation and propaganda to encourage Nazism, was quick to attack the ideas of evolution. Now I shall ask, is it fair to say Hitler was a creationists because he used god in his speech, thus creationism is equivalent to Nazism? Better yet, if the Nazis did not believe in a god, would the holocaust have occurred? Now, do not be fooled by my last statement, I do not believe creationism is the cause of the holocaust. However, I am trying to prove that Bergman’s argument about Darwinism is just as foolish as my previous statement. Nazi Use of Darwinism Essay -- History, Politics, The Treaty of Versa After the Great War in the nineteenth century, European nations had a difficult time finding economic stability. Germany took full responsibility for starting World War I and by signing the Treaty of Versailles, Germany agreed to give up huge portions of territory and pay reparation to victorious allies. The harsh principles which were outlined by the Treaty of Versailles made economic stability in Germany difficult to achieve and caused Germany to suffer from inflation and the Great Depression. Unemployment and the fear of communism allowed Adolf Hitler to rise to power in 1933. Before Hitler came to power, he spent nine months in jail where he wrote his autobiography Mein Kampf (My Struggle), where he mentions how Darwin’s theory of evolution was the only basis for a successful Germany. He sets forth a number of evolutionary ideas such as; struggle, survival of the fittest, and extermination of the weak to create a better society (Bergman.) Unable to accept Germanys defeat i n the Great War, Adolf Hitler convinced the German people they had been defeated from within-or stabbed in the back by Communist, Socialists, liberals, and the Jews. These â€Å"races† became scapegoats in Germany, and that is how they were constructed as the â€Å"inferior race.† These groups of people, especially the Jews, were not even considered human. With the belief of an inferior race, came the belief of a superior race, which were the self-proclaimed Germans. Concentration camps were created in Germany to separate the inferior race, or the non-Germans from the Germans. It was believed that the inferior race was contaminating the German gene pool. Social Darwinism is a term used to describe ideologies which compare Darwin’s ideas of evolution to social scienc... ...lf was an atheist, although Bergman cannot speak for a group of people who believed what Hitler said to be true. If Hitler was an atheist it further validates the point I am trying to make, Hitler indeed used Darwin’s ideas to justify his actions along with creationist ideas. Bergman unable to acknowledge the fact Hitler used manipulation and propaganda to encourage Nazism, was quick to attack the ideas of evolution. Now I shall ask, is it fair to say Hitler was a creationists because he used god in his speech, thus creationism is equivalent to Nazism? Better yet, if the Nazis did not believe in a god, would the holocaust have occurred? Now, do not be fooled by my last statement, I do not believe creationism is the cause of the holocaust. However, I am trying to prove that Bergman’s argument about Darwinism is just as foolish as my previous statement.

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